Why is LinkedIn bad and hostile to Iranians?
LinkedIn is an American employment-based social network. This social network was opened in 2003. This social network allows job seekers and employers to create profiles and connect with each other.
Many Iranians are members of the LinkedIn social network and about 4 million Iranians are LinkedIn members and are active in this social network. But unfortunately, these days you suddenly see that the LinkedIn social network has restricted you. Then LinkedIn will not allow you to enter your account and will ask you to send authentication documents. When you log in and send authentication documents to select the name of the country of Iran, LinkedIn gives a message that LinkedIn does not support Iran.
After you have sent thousands of support messages to LinkedIn, it is possible that LinkedIn will get angry with you and tell you to send identification documents through the link it gives. The documents it wants is an authentication form. Of course, this is just the beginning of the story. Authentication documents You should take the identity to a notary office and sign it, no office will do this, and practically you will not be able to get your account back.
The bad behavior of LinkedIn’s support team is another point that is regrettable. When LinkedIn support answers you after thousands of your messages, they treat you as if you are a thief, murderer, etc. While the West considers Iran a third world country, this is how the support team behaves. A country that considers itself the first world is surprising.